Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros

Hayman Island Beach

Hayman Island 0.6 km
Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Brillante arena fina • Acceso en barco • Marea baja fuerte • No parking
5 Índice de equipamiento
Para los exploradores

Blue Pearl Beach

Hayman Island 1.2 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Agua cristalina • Acceso en barco • Arena brillante y rocas • Marea baja fuerte
0 Índice de equipamiento

Últimas opiniones sobre las playas de Isla Hayman

Blue Pearl Beach
10 MelSharpe

This is an incredible spot for snorkeling. The coral and fish are absolutely stunning. It’s easy to see why the bay is named as it is after just a few pictures! The water color is breathtaking!!! We snorkeled at many locations in the Whitsundays, but this one stood out for its coral cliffs and vibrant, colorful fish. We also tried stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) off the boat. There’s no need for a tender; you can simply jump off the boat after mooring, and it’s just beautiful!