Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Pintoresco • Fácil acceso • Abarrotado • Parking > 100m
3.3 Índice de equipamiento

Barrier Beach

Saraoutou 1.3 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Pintoresco • Fácil acceso • Arena fina blanca • Agua cristalina
5.8 Índice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Lonnoc Beach

Lonnoc 1 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Pintoresco • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua cristalina
6.3 Índice de equipamiento

Big Bay Beach

Turtle bay 2.7 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Acceso en barco • No parking
2 Índice de equipamiento

Oyster Island Beach

Matevulu 1.3 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Arena brillante • Acceso en barco • Fondo de arena y rocas • No parking
5.8 Índice de equipamiento
Para los jóvenes
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena blanca • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
6.8 Índice de equipamiento

Últimas opiniones sobre las playas de Isla Espíritu Santo

Playa Champagne
10 Narvick Cove

Esta playa se supone que es de clase mundial, pero seamos realistas, es simplemente otra trampa turística sobrevalorada. Es cierto que puede ser prístina y de alta calidad en Vanuatu, pero eso no dice mucho. La playa es enorme, pero no esperes ninguna privacidad cuando estás luchando por un lugar con los otros pocos visitantes. Y no olvidemos los dos pequeños bares de playa que probablemente estén sobrevalorados y abarrotados. Las instalaciones del baño tampoco son para escribir a casa, así que asegúrate de llevar tu propio papel higiénico. Ah, y ¿mencionamos que esta playa está en medio de la nada? Buena suerte llegando allí sin un GPS y un sentido de aventura.

Barrier Beach
4 Lila Anderson

We stayed at the Barrier Beach Resort for four nights, booking a beachfront fare. The room was a bit dated but still comfortable, with a soft king-sized bed and flat pillows that could use an update. The gardens have grown in nicely, making the place feel lush and green. Unfortunately, our flights were cancelled by Air Vanuatu, causing us to arrive two days later than planned. The resort was unable to accommodate our change in dates or offer a refund for the missed nights. The manager, Wayne, was not willing to make an exception, which left us feeling undervalued as guests. In contrast, the resort we stayed at in Tanna was very accommodating when our flights were cancelled multiple times. They adjusted our booking dates and deducted food and beverage costs for the nights we couldn't use. Despite the issues with Air Vanuatu, we were disappointed with the lack of flexibility at Barrier Beach Resort. The beach was pretty, but the coral was not healthy and the water was cloudy during our stay, limiting visibility. The restaurant was decent, with a variety of cocktails and menu options like poulet and Santo beef. However, there were some odd charges for extras like bacon and tropical fruit, and scrambled eggs were not very appetizing. There were also additional charges for credit card payments and new rules in place, such as restrictions on using certain towels and consuming duty-free alcohol on the beach. Overall, we felt that the resort had lost some of its Melanesian charm in favor of investor returns.

Oceanic Beach
10 Seow Michael

We arrived on a cruise and were looking for a nice spot to swim, eat, and unwind. Someone suggested Black Pearl, so we called to confirm if we could visit. The service was excellent! We had a couple of pizzas for lunch. They were pricey, but we could pay in AUD. The beach on the right was much better for snorkeling compared to the one on the left.

Island reef Beach
10 Hart

¡Este lugar es inmejorable! He estado en Santo tres veces, y durante mi última visita, nos alojamos en los bungalows de Hideaway Beach y conocimos a Pascal. La hospitalidad mostrada por Pascal y su familia no tiene paralelo. La ubicación es impresionante, y los bungalows artesanales creados por su familia son realmente notables. Si realmente quieres experimentar a Santo, ¡quedarse aquí es imprescindible!

Million Dollar Point Beach
6 Patchett Jeff

Unfortunately, much of the area was damaged in the recent cyclone. You can still see bits of metal and engine blocks scattered around. It makes for a costly swim. Despite this, it's still a beautiful spot, though somewhat marred by broken glass. I recommend getting reef shoes for swimming and a quality mask and snorkel.

Little Bay Bungalows
10 Marvin Ponce

¡Este lugar es absolutamente impresionante! ¡Marie es increíble! Ella es muy amable, prepara las comidas más deliciosas para nosotros y siempre nos saluda con una cálida sonrisa mientras entabla conversaciones amistosas. Devenemos de todo corazón este bungalow sin dudarlo. ¡Esperamos ansiosamente nuestra próxima visita!