Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros
Para los niños

Piano Marina

Tenutella 1.3 km
Amplia zona libre • Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua turquesa • Abarrotado
7.8 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Castello di Falconara

Falconara 2.2 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua turquesa • Fondo de arena fina
3.7 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Spiaggia di Falconara

Falconara 0.3 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
4.7 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para los niños

Lido Manfria

Manfria 0.2 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
6.5 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Insonnia beach

Licata 3.1 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua turquesa • Abarrotado
6.5 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Pano Marina II

Desusino 1.1 km
Hotel parcialmente • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua turquesa • Fondo de arena fina • Zona abierta estrecha
6.5 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Ăšltimas opiniones sobre las playas de Falconara

Castello di Falconara
10 Nanda

This is undoubtedly the most stunning spot for kitesurfing in Sicily. For some lessons, you benefit from the instructor's support via radio and a boat that follows you in case you lose your board. It's not just for beginners; it's also great if you're simply renting equipment. The place offers a spacious area, good music, affordable drinks, and the owners are always cheerfully available to address any of your requests or questions. Additionally, you have the option to rent an apartment within the kite facility, stay at a B&B, or go camping. Highly recommended!

Pano Marina II
4 The courageous

This place should not be considered a 4-star hotel, at most a 3-star. The only reasons I am giving it a 2 out of 5 rating are because of the friendly staff and the rooms. Everything else is extremely disappointing. I don't even know where to begin. The hotel is located far away from any city or village, and there is no transportation available, not even a bus or shuttle service once a day. On the hotel's website, it is advertised as having "internet in all rooms," but that is completely false. You can only make emergency calls from your room. Forget about browsing the internet or checking your email. The free umbrellas on the beach are limited to just one row, and if you don't want to pay, you have to wake up at sunrise. Every morning, people rush to the beach in the hopes of finding a spot. This is the extent of the all-inclusive experience we received. There is no supermarket in the resort. To top it all off, the food is a major disappointment. It is not what I would expect in Sicily. The quality of the products is consistently low, and there is a lack of variety. Even the fruit was not good. It is an insult to call this food Sicilian, considering the region's reputation for great products and recipes. Be prepared to have the same dessert every day, with only a change in the color of the topping. This has been the worst vacation experience I have ever had.

Piano Marina
10 Lily C


Spiaggia di Falconara
6 Elio Rizzoli

La playa que no requiere ninguna tarifa es agradable y hay hermosas rocas cerca del castillo. SolĂ­a ser accesible en silla de ruedas, pero lamentablemente, ya no es asĂ­. Hay algunos establecimientos en las cercanĂ­as.

Lido Manfria
10 Zestineatsdirectory


Insonnia beach
8 Lucas M.

La costa es tranquila y ofrece un amplio espacio para relajarse sin estar abarrotado. No es necesario limitarse a una toalla ya que hay mucho espacio. El agua es buena y apta para un refrescante baño. Si bien la arena puede no ser de un blanco inmaculado, eso no resta valor al encanto general de esta hermosa playa.