Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros

Costal Sahili

Kurtulus 2.4 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Fácil acceso • Arena gris • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
1 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Calti Plaji

Kumtepe 2.8 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Fácil acceso • Arena gris • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
1 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Hurriyet Sahili

Hurriyet 2.3 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Fácil acceso • Arena gris • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
1 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Ăšltimas opiniones sobre las playas de Hurriyet

Calti Plaji
10 Ibo Turk

This place is fantastic, the view is absolutely stunning.

Costal Sahili
6 Mikey P

Overall, it's a peaceful spot, but the water quality leaves much to be desired. Occasionally, there are numerous jellyfish of varying sizes. The beach itself is somewhat untamed, and it doesn't quite feel like a traditional beach.

Hurriyet Sahili
2 Zandorin

This place is awful, with broken glass bottles and trash scattered everywhere. Getting here is a real challenge due to the terrible roads. There are no lifeboats or floating rangefinder objects. The sharp bends have high bumps, resembling sea mud. The shower heads are out of order, and the dressing room doors are broken or nonexistent. It's definitely a place to avoid.