Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros

Humphrey Head Beach

Kents Bank 2.9 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Arena brillante • Difícil acceso • Marea baja fuerte • Carretera de montaña > 500m
0.5 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Millom Beach

Steel Green 1.8 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Marea baja fuerte • Parking > 100m
0.5 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Fácil acceso • Marea baja fuerte • Mala para nadar • Parking > 100m
0.5 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para los jĂłvenes
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena gris y guijarros • Marea baja fuerte • Fondo de arena y rocas
5.1 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para los jĂłvenes

Sea cliffs Beach

Canal Foot 0.3 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua turquesa • Marea baja fuerte
3.2 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Ăšltimas opiniones sobre las playas de Dalton-in-Furness

Humphrey Head Beach
10 Ziggy

We drove here to check out the scenery. The last couple of miles consist of a very tight single-track road with only a few passing places, and vegetation scraping the sides of the car, so it's best to avoid it with a big vehicle. Once on foot, it was a decent walk for us as the weather was very dry. The tide was miles out, so we couldn't see the water as it was so far away. It could be a bit risky with the tide coming in and bad weather, so plan ahead for a nice day. My springer spaniel loved it too; he was swimming in all the little pools of water left behind. There are lots of birds in the cliffs, including some Peregrines, making it a great spot for a little adventure.