Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros
Para las mayores

Monmouth Beach

Monmouth Beach 0.7 km
Entrada de pago • Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
5.7 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Edgewater Beach

Low Moor 0.3 km
Amplia zona libre • Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
6.7 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Kentford Beach II

Beach Haven 3.9 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
4 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Gunnison Beach

Fort Hancock 0.7 km
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena
4 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

White Sands Beach

South Seaside Park 0.5 km
Entrada de pago • Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua cristalina • Fondo de arena fina
3.3 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Lavallette Beach

Lavallette 0.3 km
Entrada de pago • Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Marea baja fuerte
3.3 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Ăšltimas opiniones sobre las playas de Shillington

Fowler Beach
8 Vasco De Gama

Contribution from Anonymous reviewer. This beach is federally owned and is CLOSED to all public access March 1 through September 30 to protect sensitive migrating and nesting birds. Do not go in the spring or summer.

Monmouth Beach
4 Willie

This facility offers excellent beach access for everyone to enjoy, along with great amenities like food and pool access. However, all of this is only fantastic if you can find a parking spot. Even with a season pass and parking decal, finding a spot on weekends after 10 AM is a challenge. The only alternative is parking in a dirt lot a block and a half away and hauling everything back and forth, which is far from convenient. The current system is flawed, indicating that too many passes are being issued, and something needs to change. Because of this, my family is unlikely to renew our pass next season.

Edgewater Beach
10 Rylena Vega

Este es un lugar encantador para pasar tiempo con seres queridos. El bar tiki es una caracterĂ­stica estupenda y los terrenos son impresionantes.

Gunnison Beach
8 John Smithson

Esta playa es verdaderamente hermosa, sin embargo, solo la he visitado durante la temporada de invierno cuando las comodidades están cerradas. La distancia desde el estacionamiento y las instalaciones hasta la playa puede ser una caminata bastante larga, pero la recompensa es encontrar algunas conchas encantadoras, especialmente para el área de Nueva Jersey. Una ventaja de visitar en enero o febrero es la falta de multitudes. Mientras que los viejos bunkers agregan un elemento interesante al paisaje, desafortunadamente, no son accesibles para los visitantes. Además, esta playa es un lugar fantástico para observar aves.

White Sands Beach
1 Contact Photos

Beach has sharp objects in sand so protect your feet. Stay away from head lifeguard. He is condensending, parks his buggy anywhere he feels and talks down to everyone including his own lifeguards. Please keep your children away from this man. I found him screaming at a kid for using a bathroom because it was for "lifeguards" only. The kid was so young and this man said horrible things I can't repeat hear. Please keep your kids away from this man. He has screws loose and power trips on anyone. You can also tell by how strict the lifeguards are all all times. Instead of having a relaxing beach day you will be met with whistles every 5 mins and the scene of a lifeguard sprinting across the beach scaring everyone just to tell someone to move a few feet left or right. Please don't go here but if you do, keep children away from the head lifeguard.

Lavallette Beach
10 Nexi Lyt

La playa es verdaderamente impresionante, con su impecable limpieza y su bien cuidada apariencia. La arena es de calidad excepcional, lo que añade al encanto general de esta maravilla natural.