Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros
Para los exploradores
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Pintoresco • Arena fina blanca • Acceso en barco • No parking
0 Índice de equipamiento
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Pintoresco • Arena fina blanca • Acceso en barco • No parking
0 Índice de equipamiento

Haad Klong Kloi

Haad Klong Kloi 0.1 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
5.5 Índice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Koh Chang Tai Beach

Baan Bang Bao 0.4 km
Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Bueno para hacer kayak
4.4 Índice de equipamiento

Koh Chang Beach

Haad Klong Kloi 1 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Pintoresco • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina
1 Índice de equipamiento

Wai Chaek Beach

Baan Salak Phet 3.9 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa salvaje • Pintoresco • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina
1 Índice de equipamiento

Últimas opiniones sobre las playas de Baan Jek bae

Koh Chang Beach
8 Nikolai Schreiber.

Koh Chang has a fascinating attraction known as the "Ghost Hotel". Yesterday, we decided to explore it a bit and it was quite strange. To reach the hotel, you have to drive down a narrow and winding jungle road to the southern tip of the island's west coast. Eventually, you'll come across a gate where two friendly local Thais collect a 100 baht entry fee (around $3) per person. As we drove through what was once a beautiful and lush tropical resort, we saw it - a seven-deck ship that appeared to be floating but was actually stranded on land, giving off an abandoned vibe. In front of the ship, there was a sign stating that renovations were in progress, although it seemed unlikely. Honestly, we were unsure where to park our cars or what we were allowed to see and do there. In the end, we discovered that we could park or drive almost anywhere, except for the ship itself, which was off-limits. Everything else was free to explore. Next to the ghost ship, there was a reception area where we decided to take a look. Inside, we found a man fishing from a window that resembled a ship's deck. Looking out from the reception area, we realized that the resort wasn't just limited to the ghost ship. There were actually numerous guest rooms designed to resemble docked ships or converted ships. It was truly unlike anything we had ever seen before. Despite the heavy rain, we still managed to wander around and peek into the various floating hotels on the premises. We even came across a small area with fresh bed linens and neatly folded towels, ready to be rented out. Here's where things get even stranger. If you visit websites like, you'll find photos of the resort in its prime, suggesting that you can actually book a stay there (at least as of August 1, 2020, post-COVID). The price is around 4000 baht per night, which is quite expensive for Koh Chang, even during normal times, especially considering the resort's rundown condition and questionable cleanliness and maintenance. So, if you're looking for a unique experience in Koh Chang, this surreal little corner of the island is definitely worth a visit, and the 100 baht entry fee adds to the novelty. If you plan to spend the whole day there, you'll come across a clean-looking creek with tire swings where locals were swimming. Before continuing down the coast, we also enjoyed a nice lunch at Indie Beach in Bang Bao.

Playa Ko Ngam
10 Lorenzo Lombardi

Esta impresionante y pequeña isla se encuentra en el sureste de Koh Chang. Para llegar allí, puede alquilar un kayak o usar un servicio de botes de motor. Solo se necesitan unos 30 minutos de remar con un kayak para llegar a las hermosas playas. Como la isla es un parque nacional, deberá comprar un boleto. El Ranger cobrará el pago una vez que llegue a la playa. La tarifa es de 40 baht para ciudadanos tailandeses y 200 baht para extranjeros. Hay una estrecha franja de tierra que separa las dos playas de la isla. La playa en el lado sur está equipada con un pontón flotante. Es un viaje maravilloso por la naturaleza, con aguas cristalinas a poca distancia de Koh Chang.

Playa Laoya Coco
10 Arthur de

La isla es absolutamente impresionante para hacer snorkel.

Haad Klong Kloi
10 Vintage Mode

Super super

Wai Chaek Beach
10 Markus Janssen

Plaža Wai Chaek je nedvomno najbolj dih jemajoča in osupljiva plaža na otoku Koh Chang. Na Googlovih zemljevidih jo je enostavno najti, vendar je dostop do nje lahko precej zahteven, saj je edini način dostopa po grobi, neasfaltirani cesti. Močno priporočam uporabo 4x4 ali trdnega motorja, saj je cesta lahko strma in nevarna na določenih območjih, kar jo naredi neprimerno za neizkušene voznike. Prav tako je pomembno, da imate zadostno zalogo vode, hrane in drugih potrebščin, saj v bližini ni trgovin, restavracij ali stranišč. Kljub tem izzivom pa neprekosljiva lepota plaže naredi to obvezno destinacijo za obisk.

Long Beach
8 Quynh Nguyen

Lo que me gusta: Esta playa es un destino hermoso y tranquilo, perfecto para aquellos que buscan una escapada tranquila. Lo más destacado de la zona es la impresionante playa de arena blanca, que ofrece un amplio y espacioso espacio para tomar el sol y relajarse. Personalmente, me encanta descansar a la sombra de un árbol de hoja de violín mientras disfruto del sol. Además, el agua cristalina es una atracción principal, proporcionando un lugar refrescante y acogedor para nadar y hacer snorkel. Lo que no me gusta: Sin embargo, es bastante desalentador ver botellas de agua tiradas por la arena. Realmente quita la belleza natural de la playa. Esperemos que se hagan esfuerzos para asegurar que la playa se mantenga limpia y prístina.