Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros
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Hotel parcialmente • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Zona abierta estrecha • Abarrotado
7 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
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Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
6.9 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores
Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
6.9 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
6.9 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores
Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Pintoresco • Fácil acceso • Arena brillante • Abarrotado
6.8 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores
Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Fácil acceso • Brillante arena fina • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
7.6 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Ăšltimas opiniones sobre las playas de Jamaica

Fisherman Beach
10 Mara Garcia

The new Fisherman's Beach has been finished and is scheduled to open on June 1, 2018.

Frenchman Beach
4 Tom Kim

We spent three weeks vacationing in Treasure Beach, a charming fishing village we've visited before. Unfortunately, Frenchman's has taken a turn for the worse. The menu now resembles something you'd find in the US, not Jamaica, featuring burgers, fries, and pizza. If you're craving Jerk, it's only available as a pizza topping. The newly added kitchen prominently advertises hot dogs. Most days, the place was nearly empty. We did enjoy fruit smoothies daily, though they were quite expensive but refreshing. However, around day 8 or 9, the price more than doubled, prompting us to bid farewell to Frenchman's and dine elsewhere for the remainder of our stay. We hope the restaurant can return to its former glory. We'd still visit for a beer and the wonderful view, but you can find better and more affordable food elsewhere. Special thanks to our server Monique, who was always friendly and welcoming.

Sea Garden Beach
8 Sarina L

We had a great time on their sunset cruise. As soon as we got on board, we were welcomed with mimosas. The bartender served delicious drinks and the staff made sure everyone was safe and moving around comfortably. There was a talented saxophonist on board who played amazing music. The ship was clean and the sail was smooth. The seating, especially on the top deck, could have been more comfortable. Sitting directly on the deck wasn't very pleasant. It would have been nice to have cushions or seats. There was a photographer on board who took a lot of pictures, but we realized too late that they were charging $55 for each photo, which was way too expensive. We felt like we wasted our time posing for the photographer instead of taking our own pictures.

Hellshire Beach
1 Najwa Lyons

I went to Celine’s with my best friend and 11-yr old son. We ordered 4 fish from the platter in presented. The fry fish you see in the list of images was the largest fish the others were obviously smaller. Our order was fish (3 steamed, 1 fried) fried chicken and fries, festival and bammy, 1 Lola champagne, 1 ting and a sorrel beer). The bartender kept insisting that we paid her separately for the drinks. Suddenly it was $500 for a sorrel beer, and $200 for each soda. When we went to pay for the fish we were told the pay the guy. Which guy? The guy who gave us the parking spot and said it was his mother’s place. So while one of the young ladies from the kitchen followed us to the car we searched for the guy to pay. It was there (at our car) we were told the fish was $2500/lbs and we ordered 12.5lbs of fish. See order above and images below. None of those fish weighed over 3lbs. The chicken and fries meal was $1500. So if do the math we doesn’t over $32000. While I wanted to argue the rationale of this all. I was with my son, wanted a relaxing Sunday afternoon before we go home this week back to my 50+hr/week while studying lifestyle I refrained. What we did verbalize was that they would never see us there again. Neither would I recommend anyone to go there. This was our second trip to Helshire in 11hrs due to other preferred options. Saturday afternoon we went to Hero’s Circle for crab and corn, then jerk chicken at Port Henderson. All were great. I really hope he enjoys whatever his cut of that money was, while living the life he deserves.

Port Royal
6 Lena Arvaniti.

The water is nice and the coastal air is refreshing. There is a long stretch of beach where you can camp out, and there are food places nearby. However, the beach coastline is not clean and there is a lot of washed up garbage.

Playa de la Cueva del Doctor
10 Eric Thompson.

Esta playa es verdaderamente una maravilla con su arena inmaculada y prístina que se extiende por millas. El agua es tan clara que se pueden observar todos los detalles del mundo submarino, y es deliciosamente cálida y refrescante. Sin embargo, es importante ser cauteloso al caminar por la orilla, ya que nos sorprendió encontrar una raya de cola de látigo del Caribe que estaba hábilmente camuflada debajo de la arena. Fue una vista increíble, pero un recordatorio de siempre pisar con cuidado. Una de las características únicas de esta playa es la oportunidad de presenciar el despegue y aterrizaje de aviones desde el aeropuerto cercano, lo que añade un elemento emocionante a la ya impresionante belleza del paisaje.