Presentamos un nuevo Mapa Mundial de Playas
Más de 30 mil playas con datos más detallados y filtros

Lido Baia Calipso

Vignazze 0.5 km
Muy bueno
Hotel • Playa de hotel • Fácil acceso • Guijarro gris • Abarrotado • Parking > 100m
7.3 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Spiaggia di Borghetto

Borghetto Santo Spirito 0.9 km
Muy bueno
Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Guijarro fino gris • Agua azul • Zona libre estrecha • Abarrotado
7.8 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores
Muy bueno
Hotel parcialmente • Fácil acceso • Guijarro fino gris • Agua azul • Zona abierta estrecha • Abarrotado
7.8 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Spiaggia Azzurrodue

Terrarossa 0.6 km
Muy bueno
Entrada gratuita • Playa equipada • Fácil acceso • Guijarro fino gris • Agua cristalina • Abarrotado
4.4 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Spiaggia Pietra Ligure

Pietra Ligure 1.5 km
Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Arena/guijarros negro • Agua azul • Zona libre estrecha • Abarrotado
7.8 ĂŤndice de equipamiento
Para las mayores

Alma Loano beach

Borghetto Santo Spirito 1.7 km
Balneario marítimo • Fácil acceso • Arena/guijarros negro • Agua azul • Zona libre estrecha • Abarrotado
7.8 ĂŤndice de equipamiento

Ăšltimas opiniones sobre las playas de Bra

Spiaggia Pietra Ligure
10 Nicoletta Rossi.

Esta playa es excelente para los perros ya que ofrecen diversas comodidades como juguetes, juegos, cuencos de agua y una ducha para que tu amigo peludo se enjuague después de un chapuzón en el océano.

Spiaggia Olanda
10 Flippityflop

Una cálida bienvenida a mi novia y a mí

Spiaggia Azzurrodue
2 Ferguson Marc

This place is absolutely terrible. The only redeeming quality is the amazing view. The service is atrocious, the manager is rude and unhelpful, the food is mediocre at best, and the prices are exorbitant. I will never return, and I strongly advise you to avoid this place if you don't want your evening ruined. My seven friends and I dined here for a hen do party on a Saturday night. We booked 15 days in advance and chose a standard menu proposed by the owner. We were seated at 8:45 PM. The first starter, a tasteless seafood salad, was served at 9:30 PM. The seafood pasta arrived at 10:30 PM, and it tasted overwhelmingly of garlic—seriously, nothing but garlic. None of us could finish it. The mixed fried dish was finally served at 11:50 PM after we complained twice. The manager was extremely rude, claiming they were busy and we had to wait. She didn't apologize even once. The squid was good, but we were charged 50 euros each for subpar food that we couldn't even finish after waiting the entire evening and being ignored by the staff. A suggestion for the manager: if you had just apologized, you could have salvaged the evening!

Alma Loano beach
10 Kai Andrews

Når det kommer til Liguriske getaways, er der ingen bedre stranddestination end denne! Efter at have besøgt dette sted i årevis, kan jeg bekræfte den exceptionelle service, der tilbydes af det venlige barpersonale, som går ud over for at sikre, at alle dine behov bliver opfyldt. Ejerne selv er lige så imødekommende og behandler dig som en af deres egne. Af disse grunde og mere til, planlægger jeg at vende tilbage til denne strand i mange år fremover. Plus, du kan altid regne med en sikker og professionel oplevelse her.

Spiaggia Varazze
10 Lorenzo Carino

El personal de la playa es excepcional, es extremadamente amable.

Spiaggia di Laigueglia
10 Lenny Jovani